Assalamualaikum WBT...
Sian belog aku...sunyi sepi since aku resign Venture dlu...update sikit2...terus traffic drop kan...hehehe...well, this time round I really feel like writing!!! The thing that I really need to bring out of my brain which aku rasa sangat memberatkan kepala nie.. well, bagi aku la...mungkin bukan pada orang lain...but it is my blog, for me to share my feel kan...
Okay, back to the story. After I left Venture to stay at home kononnya nak berbisnes sendiri yang xde la maju jaya sgt pun...finding a new job is not really my big priority since I have enjoyed the moment staying at home with kids yg kebetulan tgh cuti sekolah dan husband yg mampu nak tanggung belanja kami2 nie... yeah...I did attend interview for govt sector which I failed both (as ezpexted) in which i was so upset not to secure a position as an ATCO. Pastu mmg aku x de apply kerja mana2 pun..bukak jobstreet pun tidak..Until I received a phone call from a job hunting company looking for a asst test engineer (night shift) which I declined but I told him that kalau ada position QA or Program Exec aku nak la give a try.
Agaknya mmg dah tersurat itu rezeki aku, ada la vacancy post Program Exec kt lokasi yg sama as jwtn asst test eng tu. So after a couple of interview, I secured the position with salary I want and they wanted me to start immediately. Strange but true, I asked them to delay a few days for some reasons... well, we were on family vacation masa tu...and you might be wondering why I accept the job? Okay, by that time I felt a bit of financial stress...and since peluang dah ada depan just grab the opportunity, do the best and see how it goes... why Program? Because that is what I wanted to do. Masa aku kt Venture dulupun bos pernah offer aku masuk Program but for some reason aku tpaksa decline dan accept Test, the job I really wanted to explore on that time lar... Bg aku, Program is a great job..more on management and based on my own pemerhatian di is the job I can do for life.
So, on 10 Feb 2014 I joined CJH as a Customer Program Management Analyst...jwtn yg WOW...mcm canggih giler lar for a big MNC company. I will be handling SonoSite account, another medical company...maybe due to my prev experience in medical dept. Aku datang dengan perasaan yang pelik. Ok, minus my first job kt Ampang yg aku kerja sehari tu...this is my 4th job la... all of them started with excitement and 'i-am-looking-forward' feeling. Walaupun pada masa tu ada time kena start tinggal anak yg bayi kt taska...but yeah...excited nk kerja mmg sgt-sgtlar... Berbanding this time round, aku melangkah masuk dgn hati dan jiwa yang kosong..kosong..kosongggg... Mcm x de feel langsung, totally 'ah gasakla...terima je la...'..the orientation with HR went very well..they were so good. The best so far after HSBC yg mmg thorbaek....with a few other candidates for different positions...memang sgt okay.
But on the 2nd day... I was handed to the department that I will be working for. Mcmana nk kata eh...aku rasa blank...aku rasa cold...aku rasa mcm kosong giler...met these girls, they were okay but the strange feeling of mcm tiada kemesraan yg ikhlas dalam satu team...but as always, looking at the positive way...bersangka baik lar...
As time goes by...aku still tak ada feeling seronok to stay there. Just continue the days for the sake of money eventhough I feel so sick about the routine and rules. Aku bukan jenis yg suka dikontrol sangat..let me do what I want to do and I will come to superior when I need help. That is me. Tapi ...ntahlah....aku seriously x suka x suka x suka....and there were so much signs of 'Eca, just get out of that place or you will go nowhere' yg aku terima saban hari. Penatla nak tulis karangan..meh aku tulis point2 why I am so looking forward to au revoir... A.S.A.P.
1. Mcm aku kata tadi...semangat, excitement and looking-forward feeling tu x ada. More on paksarela sbb nak duit
2. My kids...sebelum nie semua okay je aku kerja. Padahal dulu lg la balik lewat, keluar cool je. Kali nie masing2 like "mama x yah kerja la..." or "mama esok kerja x?"...those kind of things...
3. The ambient in that company is so unwelcoming. I have never been introduced officially to those who I am supposed to work with...until 2 times 2 managers from operation and engineering personally asked me who am I, what am I doing here and which band I am...bla bla bla... and they were saying something like 'why your manager never introduced you to us' that kind of thing...
4. I was left alone with the job. No proper guidance what I must do and what I must not do. I need to do things right at the first time... There is no such thing like 'if you dont know, pls ask' when I did mistake...tau plak ko bising
5. Funny.. i need to ask signature of senior, manager and senior manager to take leave, giler.
6. I have to report to 2 persons..senior and manager which sometimes give different opinion on same thing...i left headache.
7. I hate the idea of cakap blkg...and the cakap blkg one is the manager...ko kutuk A, B, C kat aku...ko kutuk aku kat sape ek? And ko sedar tak yg O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z is talking about you? This is real unhealthy situation!
8. Bila meeting yg aku attend..i mean KENA ATTEND..they spoke language I dont understand.
Apa lg nk ckp? Seriously banyakkkk tp mcm x larat nk tulis...sbb banyak sgt tu la aku decide to start applying new jobs dan alhamdulillah Ya Allah atas limpah kurniaMu...aku dah berjaya secure a new job at a better place, Inshaa Allah!
Aku dah tender dah pun
Dan aku tgh cuba nk speed up the process
With hope CJH will release me earlier than notice without touching my salary.
CJH is not a place for me lorrrr....
For C ok kot...sbb meeting etc pun guna C language...
Aku bkn C pun...
So..aku dah sarat pening nie...
Fikir esok kena g keje jugak weittttt....
So, alhamdulillah blessing in disguisenya adalah aku dpt belajar few things dan dpt gaji for my short tenure in CJH. Allah bantu aku tu....rezeki dlm cara yg tak brp aku suka dan at the same time mengepush aku utk cr better job utk aku...
Disguise in blessings?
Aku mmg sakit sgt kepala nie...bila fikir psl anything related to CJH... is not a place for me....
Full stop!